文法-意味 grammar meaning
~ とは/~というのは
Hiyayakko is a dish of cold tofu topped with green onions, dried bonito flakes, etc.
”~towa"' is used to provide a definition of "~." "~toiunowa" can also be used with the same meaning.
【Grammar point】
■ 使われ方
1. 親友とは、友人の中でも特に親密な関係にある人のことです。
Shinyuu is a person with whom you have a particularly close relationship among friends.
接続 formation
N + とは
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
Mottainai is the feeling of being sorry that things go to waste.
A professional, in my opinion, is someone who makes it his/her business and can live on the money earned from that business.
For me, language is a tool for communication.
A hikikomori is a person who lives for a long period of time without leaving his or her room or house at all.
What does “houdai” mean as in "tabe-houdai"?
Confucius said, “The real mistake is to make a mistake and not try to change one's ways.”
Genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.
The “正月三が日” refers to the three days from January 1 to 3.
School is not only a place to study but also a place to learn how to live socially.
To “love” does not mean to try to constrain the other person to do what you want.
If you have any questions about this grammar, please comment below.