文法-意味 grammar meaning
~ っけ
① 明日は祝日だっけ?
Tomorrow is a holiday, right?
② 私今日家出るとき鍵かけたっけ?
Did I lock the door when I left the house today?
”-kke" is used when the speaker's memory is unclear, to confirm to the listener that the information in the memory is correct.
”-kke" can also be used about information that the listener obviously does not know, as a question to the speaker himself when his own memory is unclear.
【Grammar point】
■ 使い方
1. 山田さんは広島県出身ですか?
Yamada-san, are you from Hiroshima Prefecture?
2. 山田さんは広島県出身ですっけ?
Yamada-san, are you from Hiroshima Prefecture, right?
■ 「~よね」との違い
■ 疑問詞と使う場合
3. 明日の会議はどこであるんですっけ?
Where's the meeting tomorrow?
4. 佐藤さんはいつ帰国するんですっけ?
When is Mr.Sato coming back to the country?
■ 注意すべき点
5. 来週火曜日は、佐藤さんの誕生日だったっけ?
Is next Tuesday Sato-san's birthday?
接続 formation
V/イ形/ナ形/N(普通形/丁寧形) + っけ
Does the director play golf?
Did you hate spicy food that much?
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
Today is Tuesday, right?
The afternoon class will be held in the second classroom, right?
When did you come to Japan, Mr. Kim?
Could I use a credit card at this store?
Is this where I'm supposed to put this document?
Hey, isn't it Yamada-san's birthday today?
Where did I put my stamp? I forgot.
I think it was three years ago that we took a trip to Okinawa together, wasn't it?
I think we can use this discount coupon until tomorrow, right?
Wasn't it the department head who was in charge of this sales destination?

If you have any questions about this grammar, please comment below.