文法-意味 grammar meaning
~ がゆえに
Because he himself is talented, he does not seem to understand the feelings of those who can't do it.
”~kiwamarinai/kiwamaru" is a formal expression indicating that "~" is the reason or cause.
【文法解説】Grammar point 1:
1. 彼はお金がないがゆえに大学へ進学することが叶わなかった。
He couldn't go to college because he didn't have the money.
【文法解説】Grammar point 2:
~がゆえの N
1. 厳しすぎると思われるかもしれませんが彼のことを思うがゆえの厳しさです。
You may think I am too strict, but that is because I care about him.
2. どんな事があってもくじけないのは、いつか自分は成功できると信じているがゆえだ。
I never falter, no matter what happens, because I believe that one day I will be successful.
3. 彼は一人っ子だ。ゆえに、多少甘やかされて育ったのかもしれない。
He is an only child. Therefore, he may have been somewhat spoiled growing up.
4. 私はモテないゆえに人に優しくされるとすぐ好きになってしまう。
I am not popular and therefore I like it when people are nice to me.
接続 formation
N :(である)+ が故に
な形 : な +(である)+ がゆえに
い形(普通形) + がゆえに
V(普通形) + がゆえに
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
Because each piece is made by hand with great care, it inevitably takes a long time to complete.
It is outrageous to engage in criminal acts just because you want to get rich.
Because of my love for her, I dared to leave her.
He lost the king's favor because of his opinion on a trivial matter.
They failed because they were not prepared.
Because they did not listen sincerely to the opinions of the people, that administration has seen its approval ratings plummet.
Its historically important documents are scarce and therefore held in tight custody.
Because he was a doctor as well, he seemed to know exactly how much time he had left to live.
That manufacturer's products are cheap, but because they are cheap, they are fragile.
Being born the eldest son, he had to give up his dreams and take over the family business.
備考 notes
(参考:内閣法制局 法令における漢字使用等について)

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