文法-意味 grammar meaning
It was a bit chilly to go out without a jacket, as it was mid-November.
「A こととて B」は「A」なので「B」と理由を言いたいときに使われる。古めかしい感じのする文語的な表現。
"A kototote B" is used when you want to say "Because A, B". A literary expression with an old-fashioned feel.
【文法解説】Grammar point
■ 「こととて」の特徴
「A こととて B」は、「ので」や「から」のように、理由を述べるために使われる文型の一つです。現代の会話ではほとんど使われず、書き言葉として使われます。ただし、書き言葉としても比較的古めかしい感じのする表現です。
1. 昔のこととて、当時のことはあまりはっきりとは覚えていません。
As it was so long ago, I don't remember it very clearly.
2. いくら初めてのこととて、下手すぎるにもほどがあった。
Even though it was his first time, he was far too good at it.
接続 formation
V(普通形) + こととて
N + の + こととて
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
I hope you will somehow forgive him, as it is the act of a child who is not yet old enough.
It took a long time because I was not used to doing this.
By the time I visited there, all the cherry blossoms had already fallen, as it was almost mid-April.
I left the teahouse quickly, unable to stay there for long as I was in a hurry to get to the next destination.
It was 60 years ago, so few people remembered what happened at that time.
As we had just started our business , we did not have enough staff or funds, and we had a very hard time at that time.
Because of the wartime situation, there was not much food to eat, and many parents were unable to adequately raise their children.
I don't know much about that field, as it is not my area of expertise, but even to the untrained eye it seems to me that the theory is flawed.
I can't be sure, because it was only for a moment, but I think the person at the back of the room was Taro.
Since he is so far away, I can't visit him easily.
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