文法-意味 grammar meaning
He could not even solve such a simple problem.
「すら 」は「さえ」と同じように、ある事柄を強調的に例として出すことで、他の場合も当然他そうだと暗に示すときに使われる。
"~ sura" is used similarly to "~sae" to highlight a particular example, implying that other cases would, as a matter of course, be the same as well.
【Grammar point】
■ ~ですら
1. 小学生ですら、それがいけないことだということを知ってるよ。〇
Even elementary school kids know that's not a right thing to do.
2. 小学生すら、それがいけないことだということを知ってるよ。〇
Even children can do that.
■ ~すらも
3. 人と話すことすらも苦痛に思えてきた。
Even talking to people has become painful for me.
4. あの大学はお金さえあれば入れることで有名だ。〇
That university is famous for allowing admission if you just have enough money.
接続 formation
N +(助詞)+ すら
※ 格助詞「を・が」の後には接続しません。
I haven't even told my parents.
I haven't even been in contact with my parents.
I can't even write hiragana.
I didn't have time, so I haven't even eaten.
V(て) + すらいる/すらいない
V(ます) + すらする/すらしない
He is not eating or even drinking water.
He even deceives people for his own ends.
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
She liked him too much to even talk to him.
He is so desperate to pass the JLPT N1 that he even spares time to sleep and study hard.
Even my 6-year-old son can do such a thing by himself.
Back then I had no money and could not even afford my daily meals.
Anyone who can't even greet people properly can't do their job either, of course.
It is difficult for even economic experts to say when the economy will recover.
The boy could not tell even his family about it, and he was alone with his problems.
He kept the plan a secret even from his close associates until shortly before its implementation.
When I first started living in that country, even shopping at the supermarket was difficult.
I have a low tolerance for alcohol, so even a glass of beer gets me drunk very quickly.
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