文法-意味 grammar meaning
~ 気味
I have a little touch of cold today, so please let me take a break from school.
【英語】a touch of ~, a little,
”~gimi" is used with specific words to mean a little "~" compared to the normal state, suitable state, standard, etc. Basically, it is used when the condition is undesirable.
【文法解説】Grammar point 1:
1. 最近その歌手の人気は下がり気味です。〇
The singer's popularity has been declining a bit lately.
2. 最近彼の人気は上がり気味です。✖
【文法解説】Grammar point 2:
3. 彼はちょっと太り気味だ。
He's a little overweight.
4. 冬になって肌が少し乾燥気味です。
My skin is a little dry in the winter.
【文法解説】Grammar point 3:
接続 formation
※ ただし、全ての名詞と動詞に接続するわけではなく、接続できる言葉と接続できない言葉があります。
N + 気味
V(ます形)ます + 気味
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
He denied the rumor, with a little touch of panic.
The train is running a little late, so I'm not sure if I'll make it to my appointment.
A thinish man was caught on the security camera.
I've been feeling a little tired lately, so so I'll be home tomorrow to relax.
I've had a little touch of diarrhea since yesterday and am not feeling well.
Your blood pressure tends to be elevated, so please be careful.
When I looked at his face, I saw that he was a bit nervous.
Recently, the number of customers has been decreasing a bit because of Corona.
I've been playing games until late lately, so I'm a bit sleep deprived.
He was kind of negative about this project at first.

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