文法-意味 grammar meaning
The apartment contract must be renewed every two years.
② 私の学校ではクラスごとにオリジナルのTシャツを作る伝統がある。
My school has a tradition of making original T-shirts for each class.
【英語】every ~ / each ~
"~ gotoni" is used when you want to say that something happens, occurs, or is done once per a certain unit or group."
”~ gotoni" iis used to mean 'each' ~"
【Grammar point】
■ 用法①
1. ワールドカップは4年ごとに開かれます。
The World Cup is held every four years.
2. この道路は500mごとに距離を知らせる標識があります。
This road is marked every 500 meters with a distance sign.
3. このバーは一杯ごとにレジでその都度お金を払います。
At this bar, you pay each time at the cash register for each drink.
4. 5キロ歩くごとに、10分休憩しましょう。
Let's take a 10-minute break for every 5 kilometers walked.
5. テストで100点を一回取るごとに、お小遣いを100円もらえる。
For every 100 points you get on a test, you get 100 yen of allowance.
5. 彼と話すたびに、彼の頭の良さに驚かされる。〇
Every time I talk to him, I am amazed at how smart he is.
6. 一つ買うごとに一枚、プレゼントの応募シールがもらえます。〇
Each time you buy one item, you will receive one present entry sticker.
■ 用法②
7. あの店はチェーン店だが、店舗ごとに値段が違う。
That restaurant is a chain, but each store has different prices.
8. グループごとに意見をまとめて後で発表してもらいます。
Each group will be asked to summarize their opinions and present them later.
接続 formation
N / 数詞+助数詞 / V(辞) + ごとに
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
For every hour of exercise, rest for at least 10 minutes.
At that karaoke place, you can accumulate 100 points for every time you use it.
There is a water station every 5 km.
The Olympics are held every four years.
You should take a break every two hours when driving.
With each passing day, you will forget about him.
That store has various campaigns each day of the week.
In the U.S., each state has different laws.
The building has restrooms on each floor.
That restaurant chain has an original menu for each restaurant.
備考 notes
These grapes are grapes that can be eaten with their skins on.
In the unlikely event that there is a problem with the product, please send the entire box of goods back to us.