文法-意味 grammar meaning
When I started working, I left my parents' house and started living alone.
”kikkake" is an event that is the reason or trigger for the beginning or change of something.
【文法解説】Grammar point 1:
1. 海外旅行したのがきっかけで、もっと話せるようになりたいと英語の勉強を始めました。〇
I started studying English because I traveled abroad and wanted to be able to speak more.
2. 海外旅行したいのがきっかけで、お金をためています。✖
I am saving money because I want to travel abroad.
【文法解説】Grammar point 2:
3. 病気がきっかけで、食生活に気を付けるようになった。
My illness led me to pay more attention to eating habits.
4. 子供が生まれたのをきっかけに、彼はたばこをやめた。
After the birth of his child, he quit smoking.
5. 日本に来たきっかけは、アニメに興味を持ったことです。
The reason I came to Japan was because I was interested in anime.
7. オリンピックの開催を契機として、日本で英語表記の看板が増えていった。
The Olympics led to an increase in the number of signs in English in Japan.
接続 formation
N + がきっかけで V
N + をきっかけに V
N + をきっかけにして V
N + をきっかけとして V
関連文法 related grammar
- JLPT N1 Grammar
例文 example sentences
The incident triggered a war that spread throughout the country.
I started making pottery because Mr. Yamada recommended it to me.
Upon retirement, my father took up a new hobby.
You can't help but make mistakes, but use this failure as an opportunity to rethink how you do your task.
After failing to find a job, he gradually lost his confidence.
Living abroad and having various experiences may lead you to find what you want to do in the future.
I didn't have any particular reason for it, but I somehow became interested in Japanese and started studying it.
A small argument over child rearing led to the fact that I rarely spoke to my wife after that.
I read Steve Jobs' book, which inspired me to become an entrepreneur.
My interest in French literature led me to start studying French.

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