文法-意味 grammar meaning
~ に越したことはない
There is nothing better than getting a week off, but four days is still enough to make me happy.
" ~nikoshitakotowanai" is used to mean "~ is the best way/situation" or "there is no better way/situation than ~." It is often used in the context that it is ideal but not realistic, accompanied by a word such as "が, けれど".
【文法解説】Grammar point :
1. 転職して給料が上がるに越したことはないが、今の会社をすぐにでも辞めたいので、転職できるならどこでもいい。(≒給料が上がるのが一番いい/理想的だが)
There is nothing better than getting higher salary when I change jobs, but I would like to leave my current company right now, so anywhere I can change jobs is fine with me.
2. 子供が多いに越したことはないけれど、子育て費用を考えると二人までしか無理だと思う。
There is nothing better than having more children, but considering the cost of raising children, I think it is only possible to have up to two.
3. 災害に対して備えるに越したことはない。
There is nothing better than being prepared for disasters.
4. 何かが起こってからでは遅いので、用心するに越したことはない。
Since it is too late once something has happened, it is best to be careful.
接続 formation
V(辞書形) + に越したことはない
V(ない形) + に越したことはない
イ形 :い + に越したことはない
ナ形 :な + に越したことはない
ナ形 :な + である + に越したことはない
N + に越したことはない
N + である + に越したことはない
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
There is nothing better than being able to go to that famous university, but it is a bit tough considering my current ability.
There is nothing better than being able to work full-time, but for now, if there is a place that will hire me, whether it be a temporary or part-time job, I will work there.
There is nothing better than not having to borrow money, but I think it would be okay to borrow some money.
I'm sick, so it would be best if I could take a leave of absence from work, but that is not possible due to the shortage of staff.
It would be best to finish the work in one day, but we will probably have to work on it again tomorrow to finish it.
Of course, it is best that disasters do not happen, but it is necessary to prepare for them.
To be good at something, there is no better way to love it.
I heard that there is a lot of crime in that area these days, so it is best to be cautious when walking the streets at night.
There is no better way to be prepared than to be ready for anything that may happen, such as a disaster.
Since this is a project that will be the company's most important project, there is no better way to proceed with things than with caution.
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