文法-意味 grammar meaning
~ にしたがって
As the day of the exam approaches, my anxiety grows.
”~ nishitagatte” is used when you want to say that something else changes in tandem the change of "~".
【Grammar point】
■ その他の形
1. 子供が成長するにしたがい、私も自分の時間を持てるようになってきた。
As my children grow up, I am able to have more time for myself.
接続 formation
N / V(辞) + にしがたって/にしたがい
関連文法 related grammar
- JLPT N2 Grammar
- JLPT N2 Grammar
- JLPT N2 Grammar
- JLPT N3 Grammar
例文 example sentences
As the train approached the station where he was waiting, my anxiety grew.
As the weather gets colder, more people catch colds.
As I gained more experience, I was able to work more efficiently.
The further we got from the town, the less people traffic we saw.
As my body recovered, I felt the urge to try again.
As we get older, it is normal to be able to think about others.
As the town grew, real estate prices began to soar.
As the company has grown, the number of employees has increased, so the current office is a bit cramped.
As I approached the goal, my steps became lighter.
As the altitude rises, the surrounding vegetation changes as well.
備考 notes

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