文法-意味 grammar meaning
Whenever I see the richness of his life, I always want to resent my misfortune of being born into a poor family.
「につけ」は「A につけ B」の形で、「A」のときはいつも「B」だと言いたいときに使われる。「A」には「見る」「聞く」といった知覚的な動作が入り、「B」にはそれによって起こる感情や思考の内容が入る。日常的な会話ではあまり使われず、書き言葉的な表現。
"nitsuke" is used in a form of ”A nitsuke B" to say that every time the speaker does "A" always feel or think as "B." Actions of perception, such as "miru" and "kiku," is used in "A," and the content of feelings or thoughts that result from the actions is used in "B." It is rarely used in everyday conversation, and is more of a written expression.
-JLPT N0 Grammar
【文法解説】Grammar point 1:
「A につけ B」の「A」には知覚を表すような動詞が基本的に入ります。その他の動詞と使われることもありますが、以下にあげるような動詞が使われることがほとんどです。
1. 彼の活躍する姿を見るにつけ、自分の不甲斐なさに腹が立つ。
As soon as he finished speaking or even before he finished, she asked him the next question.
2. 貧しい人達の苦労話をを聞くにつけ、自分はつくづく恵まれていたということを自覚する。
Whenever I hear about the hardships of the poor, I always realize that I was truly blessed.
3. 何事につけ、両親は私の人生の選択に口を出してくる。
In everything, my parents are always trying to dictate my life choices.
【文法解説】Grammar point 2:
4. 母の老いた姿を見るにつけて、あとどれだけ親孝行ができるのだろうかという思いになる。
Whenever I see my mother in her old age, I always wonder how much more filial piety I will be able to give her.
接続 formation
V (辞書形) + につけ(て)
N + につけ(て)
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
Whenever I saw his emaciated body, I would get irrationally angry at myself for not being able to do anything about it.
Whenever I heard people praising his greatness, a twinge of jealousy for him swirled inside me.
Whenever I think of the difficulties he must be facing, my heart aches.
Whenever I think about my own future, I always feel gloomy.
Whenever I learn of the tragic situation in war zones I feel as if my heart is being torn apart.
Whenever I see or hear about his activities as a childhood friend, I always feel that I must do my best too.
In everything, he is competitive with me.
She is a little sarcastic towards me about something when anytime he has opportunity.
He is selfish and self-serving in all things, thinking only of his own convenience.
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