N + のことだから
【JLPT N2/N3 Grammar】

文法-意味 grammar meaning

N + のことだから


Because it's who he is, he's probably sleeping at home right now, forgetting his promise.



given N's character, because it's who "N" is,

"~nokotodakara" is used to refer to "N" (a person, organization, etc.), whose character is well known to the speaker, as the basis for an inference.

文法解説】Grammar point 1

「N のことだから」の「N」には話し手がその性格を良く知っている人物(または組織など)が入ります。

1. 彼女かのじょのことだから3日みっかてばそんなことわすれてるよ。
Because it's who she is, she'll forget all about it in three days.

2. あのチームのことだから、どうせ今年ことし優勝ゆうしょうできないだろう。
Because of it's who the team is, they probably won't win again this year anyway.

【文法解説】Grammar point 2


3. わすれっぽい彼女かのじょのことだから3日みっかてばそんなことわすれてるよ。
She's a forgetful girl, so she'll forget all that in three days.

4. 毎年まいとし優勝ゆうしょうできないあのチームのことだから今年ことし優勝ゆうしょうできないだろう。
That team can't win every year, so they won't be able to win this year either.

【文法解説】Grammar point 3


5. やさしいかれことだからあやまったらゆるしてくれるおもよ。
He's a kind man, and I'm sure he'll forgive you if you apologize.

6. かれのことだから、またなにかやらかすかもしれない
It's him, so he might do something again.

7. うちの会社かいしゃのことだから、またたいしてボーナスはもらえないだろう
Since it's our company, so we probably won't get much of a bonus again.

接続  formation


 N  + のことだから

例文 example sentences

It's him, so he's probably slacking off somewhere again.

He's a smart guy, so maybe he'll catch on immediately.

Since it's that company, they might try to push us again.

Since it's you, you probably drank too much at the company party again, didn't you?

I'm sure they will impress us this time, too, since they are such a wonderful theater company.

He's a good speaker, so I'm sure he'll be able to make a good speech on behalf of his friends at the wedding.

He is so talented, so I'm sure he'll be able to make the new project a success.

Since the principal is so talkative, he might talk for more than half an hour by himself.

If you have any questions about this grammar, please comment below.

-N2 文法一覧, N3 文法一覧

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