文法-意味 grammar meaning
V + っぱなし
He went to the bathroom, leaving his wallet on the desk.
”~ppanashi" is used when you want to say that something that should be done is not being done and that an undesirable "~" condition or action is continuing.
【Grammar point】
■ 望ましくない状態
1. 彼はいつも使った物を出しっぱなしにして、元の場所に片づけない。〇
He always leaves things out that he has used and never puts them back in their original place.
2. 部屋の電気が点けっぱなしだよ。〇
The lights in the room are left on.
接続 formation
V(ます) + っぱなし
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
When I got home, I found that the living room window was left open.
He still borrowed manga from me and hasn't returned them to me yet.
He kept talking about himself the whole time, and the others couldn't say even a word.
Don't go out to play without leaving your room a mess.
Ever since winter came, I've been getting colds and they don't go away.
I've been driving for four long hours, and I'm getting tired.
My friends laughed at me because I wore clothes with the price tag still attached.
A moth flew into the room through the door that was left open.
We have been losing to that team for a long time, so we want to win this time.
That comedy show was really funny and I laughed for an hour.
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