N ったら
【JLPT N2 Grammar】

文法-意味 grammar meaning



My husband, he doesn't do any housework.

Oh, Dad!





①”~ ttara” indicates that the "N" is the topic of the sentence, as does the particle "は". The "N" can be a person who is intimately related to the speaker, as in "彼たら," "私の息子たら," etc. It is used in casual conversation when the speaker is dissatisfied or disappointed with the "N," or when the speaker wants to lightly criticize or tease the "N."

②”~ ttara” can also be used in the form without stating a predicate, as in "もう、お父さんったら”. In this case, it also expresses dissatisfaction, disappointment, mild reproach, or teasing feelings toward the "N".

文法解説】Grammar point 1



1. 山田やまださんったらまた遅刻ちこくしたんですよ。
Yamada-san was late again.

2. 山田やまださんまた遅刻ちこくしました。
Yamada-san was late again.

【文法解説】Grammar point 2:



3. わたし旦那だんなったら家事かじなにひと手伝てつだわないんですよ。(軽い非難、不満
My husband, He doesn't help me with any of the housework.

4. あいつったらなにをやらしても失敗しっぱいするな。(失望
That guy will fail at anything no matter what I asked him to do.

5. あらー、はなちゃんったらいつの彼氏かれしなんかつくったのよ。(からかい
Oh, Hana-chan, when did you get a boyfriend?

【文法解説】Grammar point 3:



6. 昨日きのうバイトの面接めんせつひとったら履歴書りれきしょってこなかったのよ
The person who came for a part-time job interview yesterday didn't even bring a resume.

7. わたしけん県知事けんちじったら汚職おしょくばかりでいやになっちゃうわ
I'm so disgusted by the corruption of the governor of my prefecture.

接続 formation

 N  + ったら



- JLPT N3 Grammar

- JLPT N2 Grammar

- JLPT N1 Grammar

- JLPT N2 Grammar

例文 example sentences

My son, he doesn't even study, he just plays games.

Yoshiko-chan, I told you not to tell anyone else about it.

My cat, she claws here and there, and the wallpaper in my house is in shreds.

Taro, you're not being honest. If you like her, tell her you like her.

My son, he is 30 years old, doesn't work, and I don't know what to do.

He had gone out to dinner with another woman without telling me.

My dog, he sometimes starts barking suddenly in the middle of the night.

Hanako, stop teasing me just because I got a boyfriend.

Have you forgotten what you promised me the other day?

Kazu-kun, I told you to put your toys away when you're done with them, didn't I?

If you have any questions about this grammar, please comment below.

-N2 文法一覧

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