N + として【文法-N2/N3 Grammar】

文法-意味 grammar meaning

N + として


Tell us what you think as a young person.

Please write down your phone number as well, as an emergency contact.

Osaka originally developed as a city of merchants.


② 物事の用途や目的を表すために使います。


①”~toshite" is used when you want to say that you are in a position or role as "~.”

②”~toshite" is used to describe the use of a thing. It is also often used when a thing is used for purposes other than its original purpose.

③”~toshite" is used to indicate the content of a general evaluation, such as "known as" or "famous as".

Grammar point】

■ 用法①:役割・立場


1. あの大学だいがく非常勤ひじょうきん講師こうしとしてはたらいていました。
I was working as a part-time lecturer at that university.

2. あの会社かいしゃに、ソフトウェアエンジニアとしてやとわれました。
I was hired by that company as a software engineer.

3. おやとしてあなたに忠告ちゅうこくするけど、大学だいがく絶対ぜったい卒業そつぎょうしたほうがいい。
As your parent, I would like to advise you that you should definitely graduate from college.

4. 学生がくせい代表だいひょうとして意見いけんわせてもらいます。
I would like to express my opinion on behalf of the students.



5. この部屋へやはスタッフの休憩室きゅうけいしつとして使つかっています。
This room is used as a break room for the staff.

6. 延滞料金えんたいりょうきんとして、500えんいただきます。 
You will be charged an overdue fee of 500 yen. 

7. 運転免許証うんてんめんきょしょう身分証明書みぶんしょうめいしょとしてよく使つかわれています。
A driver's license is often used as an identification card.

This receipt can be used as a discount coupon on your next visit.



9. 京都きょうと歴史的れきしてき建物たてものがたくさんあるまちとしてられています
Kyoto is known as a city with many historical buildings.

10. 軽井沢かるいざわ避暑地ひしょちとして人気にんきです
Karuizawa is popular as a summer resort.

11. あの事件じけん史上最悪しじょうさいあく事件じけんとして人々ひとびと記憶きおくされている
That incident is remembered by people as one of the worst in history. 


12. うそをつくなんてひととして最低さいてい行為こういだ。
Lying is the worst thing a person can do.

13. おやから仕送しおくりをもらっているなんて、社会人しゃかいじんとしてなさけない。
Being sent money by your parents is a shameful way to be a member of society.

接続  formation

 N として 

関連文法 related grammar

例文 example sentences

This accessory is popular as a gift.

You're a crazy person to do such a thing.

I would like to make a greeting on behalf of the president who is absent today.

This café is used as a place for people to rest and relax.

This facility will be used as an evacuation center in the event of a disaster.

As a member of society, you need to be more self-aware.

As the representative of this company, how are you going to take responsibility?

What is your opinion as a Japanese?

His cooking skills are good enough to be accepted as a professional.

I worked as an expatriate in Shanghai, China for five years.

If you have any questions about this grammar, please comment below.

-N2 文法一覧, N3 文法一覧

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