文法-意味 grammar meaning
~ とともに
① 加齢とともに、記憶力も落ちてきた。
As I have been aging, my memory has been deteriorating.
② 運動することとともに、バランスの取れた食事をすることも重要です。
Along with exercise, it is also important to eat a balanced diet.
③ 彼とともにこの会社を企業しました。
I started this company with him.
【意味】A とともに B
①”~totomoni" is used when you want to say that "A" and "B" are correlated and that "B" changes as "A" does.
②”~totomoni" is used when you want to say "A" and "B" at the same time.
③”~totomoni" is used when you want to say that "work together with 'A' (person) to do ’B’’.
【文法解説】Grammar point 1:
(1) 体重の減少とともに、マラソンのタイムも良くなってきた。
Along with my weight loss, my marathon time has been getting better.
【文法解説】Grammar point 2 :
(2) 彼は大学を中退するとともに、バイトも辞めてしまったようだ。
He had dropped out of college and also quit his part-time job.
(3) この問題はあなた自身の問題であるとともに、会社の問題でもあります。
This problem is not only yours, at the same time it is the company's problem.
【文法解説】Grammar point 3 :
(4) 彼とともにこの会社をここまで大きくしてきました。
Working together with him, we have made this company this big.
(5) 彼とこの会社をここまで大きくしてきました。
I have made this company so big with him.
接続 formation
N + とともに
V(辞書形) + とともに
関連文法 related grammar
- JLPT N2/N3 Grammar
- JLPT N2/N3 Grammar
- JLPT N2/N3 Grammar
例文 example sentences
As the sun rose, the temperature seemed to rise.
As my body grows, the clothes I wear are getting smaller.
As mobile phones become more and more popular, we see fewer and fewer pay phones.
As the service has expanded, the number of employees has also increased.
With the arrival of spring, the mountains suddenly changed color.
With the inauguration of the new prime minister, the lineup of the cabinet members also changed dramatically.
This year, I'm thinking of studying French as well as English.
He is an amazing man who is both a doctor and a lawyer.
I ran for my life with my sister from that criminal.
I'm planning to go on a graduation trip with my friends from the club.

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