文法-意味 grammar meaning
~ わけだ
A: 彼女は若い頃はプロの歌手だったらしいよ。
I heard she was a professional singer when she young.
B: あ~、だからあんなに歌がうまいわけだ。
Ah, that's why he sings so well..
We care about our employees, which is why we have such a low turnover rate.
He is leaving his leadership position, which means that a new leader needs to be selected.
Currently, Japan's population is already declining, and it is important to find a way to solve this problem.
①”~wakeda" is used at the end of a sentence when the speaker has been wondering why, and now understands and is satisfied with the reason.
②”~wakeda" is used in forms such as "A からB わけだ" when explaining the reason for a fact that is known to both the speaker and the listener.
③”~wakeda" is used in forms such as "A ということは B わけだ" in order to say that "B" is a natural consequence of "A".
④”~wakeda" is used to indicate that the "~" part of "~wake" is a well-known fact.
【文法解説】Grammar point 1:
A: 山田君最近彼女が出来たんだって。
I heard that Yamada-kun recently got a girlfriend.
B: だから、あんなに嬉しそうなわけだ。
That's why he looks so happy.
【文法解説】Grammar point 2:
「Aから B わけです」などの形で、話し手と聞き手のどちらにとっても既知の事実「B」に対して、「A」という理由を出し、その理由があるから当然の帰結として「B」だと言うために使われます。
1. 彼は学年最下位の成績だったにもかかわらず、そこから一年間毎日努力したから、難関大学に合格できたわけです。
He worked hard every day for a year. That's why he was able to get into a difficult university, even though he had been the lowest in his grade level.
2. 私は彼の才能を信じていたので、このプロジェクトを彼に任したわけです。
I had believed in his talent, so I entrusted him with this project.
3. 彼があなたを馬鹿にしてきたから、彼を殴ったわけですか?
He made fun of you, so that' s why you hit him?
【文法解説】Grammar point 3:
「A ということは B わけです」などの形で、「A」から当然導き出せる帰結として「B」と言いたい場合に使われます。聞き手に別の視点を与えたり、言い換えたり、一歩進んだ説明を加えるために使われます。
4. 彼は来年65歳ということは、もう定年を迎える年なわけです。
He will be 65 next year, which means he will be at the age of retirement already.
5. 若いとはいえ、彼も大学を卒業しているということは、立派な社会人なわけです。
Although he is young, he has also graduated from college, which means he is a respectable member of society.
【文法解説】Grammar point 4:
6. 日本はいま超高齢化社会を迎えているわけですが、私はその解決策は政府の子育て支援にあると考えています。
Japan is now facing a super-aging society, and I believe the solution lies in government support for child rearing.
7. 今、世界中で環境保護が叫ばれているわけですが、我が国でも大切な地球環境を守るためにやるべきことをやらないといけません。
Environmental protection is being advocated around the world today, and our country must do what we must to protect our precious global environment.
接続 formation
V(普通形) + わけ
イ形(普通形) + わけ
ナ形(普通形) + わけ
N(普通形) + わけ
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
A: 彼、昨日急に会社の上司から呼び出されたんだって。
I heard that he was suddenly called by his boss at work yesterday.
B: あぁ、だから彼は飲み会に来れなかったわけだ。
Ah, so that's why he couldn't come to the drinking party.
A: 彼は最近彼女に振られたらしいよ。
I heard he was recently dumped by his girlfriend.
B: あぁ、だから最近なんか落ち込んでいるように見えたわけだ。
Ah, so that's why he has seemed somewhat depressed lately.
The air conditioner there is broken, so there's no point in turning it on.
Ah, that's why it hasn't cooled down at all since a while ago.
He studied 10 hours a day, and that is why he was able to pass that exam in just two months.
I thought it would be good for him, and that is why I dared to lie to him.
The resignation of the current mayor means that an election will be held to elect a new mayor.
As the birthrate declines and the population ages, of course a lot of tax money will be needed to support medical care for the elderly.
As you know, many companies are suffering as a result of Corona, and our company is currently in a very difficult situation as well.
As you know, he is retiring from professional baseball at the end of this year, but he will be involved with our team in some way after that.

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