文法-意味 grammar meaning
(Not always, but) I sometimes travel alone.
(Not always, but) sometimes I don't go out on my days off.
”~kotomoaru/~naikotomoaru" means "sometimes ~" and is used to describe the habit, frequency, or likelihood that something happens, implying that its frequency is not a lot.
【Grammar point】
1. 説明書通りに操作しないと、故障することがあります。〇
If you do not operate it according to the instructions, it may malfunction.
2. 説明書通りに操作しないと、故障することもあります。△
If you do not operate it according to the instructions, it may malfunction.
■ 2種類の「ことがある」
・V(た)ことがある → 経験を表す
・V(辞/ない)ことがある → 習慣、頻度を表す
3. 私は納豆を食べたことがあります。
I've eaten natto.
I have experience of eating natto.
4. 私は納豆を食べることもあります。
I sometimes eat natto.
5. 失礼なお客さんが来ることもあります。
Sometimes we get rude customers. I sometimes eat natto.
6. この地方は11月に雪が降ることもある。
The region sometimes gets snow in November.
■ 一緒に良く使われる言葉
7. 彼はたまに嘘をつくこともある。
(Not always but, )He sometimes lies.
8. 時々、自分の気持ちをうまく説明できないことがある。
Sometimes, I can't explain my feelings very well.
9. まれに、熊が人間におそいかかることもあります。
In rare cases, bears will attack humans.
接続 formation
V(辞/ない) + こともある
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
Not always, but I sometimes go to a different supermarket on my way home.
Not always, but sometimes he takes care of the kids instead of me.
He sometimes secretly drinks alcohol during working hours.
When I was younger, I was sometimes not willing to accept people's opinions at all.
When you get promoted and have subordinates, you may have trouble communicating with them.
When it is too much bother, I sometimes don't do my homework properly.
Sometimes I suddenly feel like calling him.
I don't usually drive much, but I do drive occasionally.
In Japan, typhoons sometimes cause serious damage.
Eating too much salty food can make you sick.

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