文法-意味 grammar meaning
As a result of the vote, it was decided that the next Olympics would be held in Tokyo.
If you don't study while you're young, you'll end up regretting it in the future.
It was decided to~, end up, result in ~
①"~kotoninaru" is mainly used in the past tense to state that something has been decided. It is used to state that something has been decided regardless of the speaker's will, and if the speaker has decided of his or her own volition, "~kotonisuru" is used.
②”~kotoninaru"The phrase "will be" can also be used to describe the result that a certain situation, etc. will lead to.
【Grammar point】
■ 用法①
1. 妹が飼いたがるので、家でペットを飼うことになった。
My sister wanted to have a pet, so it was decided to have a pet at home.
2. 彼は上司の命令で、大阪に出張に行くことになった。
It was decided that he would go on a business trip to Osaka on his boss's orders.
■ ことにした vs ことになった
3. 上級クラスは私が教えることにしました。
I decided to teach the advanced class.
4. 上級クラスは私が教えることになりました。
It was decided that I would teach the advanced class.
5. 雪で新幹線が動かないので、東京にもう一泊することになった。
Since the bullet train was not running due to snow, we had to spend another night in Tokyo.
■ 用法②
6. 今のうちから貯金しておかないと、老後困ることになるだろう。
If you do not save money now, you will end up in trouble in your old age.
7. 災害への備えを今のうちにしておかないと、実際に災害が起きた時に大きな被害が出ることになります。
If we do not prepare for disasters now, it will result in great damage when they actually occur.
■ 別の言い方
接続 formation
V(辞/ない)+ ことになる
We all discussed it and decided to tell him the truth too.
After the meeting, it was decided to cancel this year's festival.
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
No one wanted to do it, so we ended up deciding on the class leader by drawing lots.
Due to budget constraints, it was decided not to take a company trip this year.ko
After discussing the matter with everyone, it was decided that Mr. Yamada would drive to pick up the children.
The director changed the script and it was decided that I would not say those lines.
My boss has ordered and I am to be transferred to a branch office in England next year.
Because my other friend cancelled on me, I ended up going to the movies alone with him.
My company has performed very well for the past five years and it's been decided to rebuild the old head office building.
Because of the typhoon, the plane did not fly and we had to stay one more night in Okinawa.
It has been decided that I will leave this company, where I have worked for 20 years, in March of this year.
If you don't take my advice seriously, you will pay a heavy price one day.

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