文法-意味 grammar meaning
A なら B
①A: 会場までは歩いて30分ぐらいです。
It’s about a 30-minute walk to the venue.
B: そうなんですか。そんなに遠いなら、タクシーで行きましょう。
Oh,I see. If it's that far, let's take a cab.
I am available on Sundays. (but not other days of the week).
①”-nara" is used to express the speaker's intention, suggestion, advice, or hope in response to what the other person has said. It can also be used even if the other person did not directly say anything, by assuming the other person's feelings and thoughts inferred from the person's appearance, behavior, or other factors.
②”~ nara" is used when you want to state "as for A,~" while implying that it is not so except for "A," "にちようび なら あいています(but not other days of the week)."
【Grammar point】
■ 用法①:
「A なら B」の「A」には、相手から受けた情報、または様子から仮定した内容などが来て、「B」に意志・提案・助言・希望などが来ます。
1. あなたがそこまで言うなら、もう一度確認します。
If you're so sure, I'll check again.
2. 電車で帰るなら、一緒に帰りませんか。
If you are going home by train, why don't you go with me?
3. 海外旅行にいくなら、保険に入ったほうがいい。
If you're going to travel abroad, you'd better get insurance.
4. 旅行に行くなら、お土産を買ってきてください。
If you are going on a trip, buy me a souvenir.
条件を表す文型には「と、たら、ば」などもありますが、「A と/たら/ば B」はどれも時間の経過が「A→B」でないといけませんが「A ならB」は「A←B」の場合にも使えます。
5. 海外旅行に行くなら、パスポートを取らないとね。〇
If you're going to travel abroad, you need to get a passport.
6. 海外旅行に行ったら、パスポートを取らないとね。✖
After you travel abroad, you have to get a passport.
■ ~ならば
7. もし彼が生きていたならば、彼は何と言うだろうか。
If he were still alive, what would he say?
接続 formation
V/イ形/ナ形/N(普通形) + なら
助詞/副詞 + なら
※ 動詞、イ形容詞、ナ形容詞の場合は、「~のなら/んなら」の形もよく使われます。
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
If you are so dissatisfied with my way of doing things, I will leave this company.
If you are thinking of changing jobs, why don't you come and work for my company?
If you're not busy, let's go for a drink together now.
If you're going to climb Mt. Fuji, you'd better bring warm clothes with you.
If you are going to leave the company, you should tell your boss as soon as possible.
If you are looking to buy a new computer, I recommend the products of that company.
If you go to the post office, please take my letter with you.
If you are going to cancel next month's event, please let me know as soon as possible.
If you want to take a break, there's a nice place a little further down the road.
If that console is so popular, it will probably sell out soon.
If you don't like it, you can throw it away.
If you're planning to travel abroad, you'd better prepare early.
I think I'll be free next week, so let's go for a drink together then.
If the person you're introducing me to is good-looking, I wouldn't mind going out to dinner with him.
If he has experience, I think he'll be fine on his own.
(Others can't ,but) I can make this project a success.

If you have any questions about this grammar, please comment below.
備考 notes
The people who applied for this job had varying educational backgrounds and ranged in age from their 20s to their 40s.