文法-意味 grammar meaning
~ ようなら / ~ようだったら
If you seem to have a fever, you should take it easy and leave early.
If you end up giving up on your dream just because your parents are against it, it means that you only have that level of desire for it.
①推量などの意味で使われる「よう」と「なら」が一緒になった形です。特に「X ようなら Y」の形で、「X」に聞き手側が判断することを述べ、「Y」にそれへの対応について述べる形で使われることが多い。
①”younara" is composed of "you", which is used in the sense of conjecture, and "nara", which means "if" In particular, it is often used in the form "X younara Y", where "X" describes what the listener judges and "Y" describes how to deal with it.
②”younara" is sometimes used in the sense of "if it turns out to be ~" or "if it ends up ~"
【Grammar point】
■ 用法①
推量などの意味で使われる「よう」と「なら」が一緒になった形です。特に「X ようなら Y」の形で、「X」に聞き手側の判断することを述べ、「Y」にそれへの対応について述べる形で使われることが多いです。
1. 部屋の中に誰かいるようなら、迷わず警察に連絡してください。
If there seems to be anyone in your room, do not hesitate to call the police.
2. 雨が降るようなら、明日は出かけるのをやめにしようか?
If it's supposed to rain, shall we stop going out tomorrow?
3. もし明日時間があるようなら、一緒に買い物に行きませんか? 〇
≒もし明日時間があるなら、一緒に買い物に行きませんか? 〇
If you have time tomorrow, would you like to go shopping with me?
4. そちらのサイズが小さいようなら、もう少し大きめのサイズもございますよ。〇
If you feel that the size is too small for you, we have a larger size.
5. 彼があと30分待ってもこないようなら、彼をおいて出発します。
If he doesn't show up in another 30 minutes, we leave without him.
6. あんな弱いチームに負けるようなら、日本代表に未来はない。
There is no future for the Japanese national team if they end up losing to such a weak team.
■ 別の言い方
7. 彼がそれでも否定するようだったら、この証拠を見せてやれ。
If he still denies it, show him this evidence.
8. 明日までが難しいようでしたら、明後日でも大丈夫ですよ。
If it seems difficult to do by tomorrow, the day after tomorrow will be fine.
9. 彼が忙しいようであれば、誰か他の人に頼んでください。
If he seems busy, ask someone else.
接続 formation
V/イ形/ナ形/N(普通形) + ようなら
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
If the printer appears to be broken, please contact me instead of trying to fix it yourself.
If he seems to be hiding something, get the truth out of him.
If the inside seems still hard, try heating it in the microwave for another 3 minutes.
If the children seem hungry, you can give them snacks from the cupboard.
If it seems like we are not going to make it in time for the next meeting, we will take a cab
If you feel that this size is too small, we also have another size available.
If there are no questions, I would like to conclude my presentation.
If you find this textbook difficult, try using this one.
If you think the amount of rice is not enough, you can have another serving over there.
If the pain goes away after taking this medication, there is no need for surgery.
If the customer is not satisfied with this price, can we lower the price?
備考 notes
If my mother's face looks like a demon when I get home, that means she knows I broke the vase.
If you have any questions about this grammar, please comment below.