文法-意味 grammar meaning
V させてもらう / V させていただく
I wasn't feeling well yesterday, so I asked my boss to let me leave early.
Our company president treated me to sushi at a fancy restaurant.
I will call you back later.
①”-sasetemorau/-saseteitadaku" is used in the sense that the subject of the action does "~" with the permission of someone else. However, it is limited to cases where the subject of the action is benefited by the action.
② It can also be used to emphasize that the subject is "benefited" or "grateful" by the action, regardless of whether it was allowed or not.
③It is sometimes used simply to pay due respect to the other party. However, there is some argument as to whether or not this usage is correct in Japanese, as it is used when neither permission is required nor the subject of the action is benefiting from it.
【Grammar point】
■ ~させていただく
1. ここに荷物を置かせていただけますか?
Can I put my stuff here? (Can you allow me to put my stuff here?)
■ ~させてくれる
2. 私は両親にペットを飼わせてもらった。
I was allowed to have a pet by my parents.
3. 両親は私にペットを飼わせてくれた。
My parents allowed me to have a pet.
■ ~させてあげる
4. その部下は、部長に長期の休みを取らせてもらった。
The subordinate was allowed to take a long vacation by the director.
5. 部長は、その部下に長期の休みを取らせてあげた。
The director allowed the subordinate to take a long vacation.
9. コーチに特別なトレーニングをさせてもらった。(恩恵・感謝)
My coach let me do a special training.
My coach made me do a special training.
接続 formation
V(使役形) (さ)せる + てもらう
V(使役形) (さ)せる + てくれる
V(使役形) (さ)せる + てあげる
Group1:(ない)+ せる
Group2:(ない)+ させる
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
Could you let me take charge of this project?
Would you allow me to share my opinion?
I'm sorry, but I'm going to check the contents of your bag.
Sorry, I'm going to use your scissors.
Can I see the inside of the factory?
My parents are worriers, and they don't let me live alone easily.
On this business trip, I was allowed to fly business class.
you are able to go to college because of their support, and you should appreciate them for that.
My name is Yamada, and I will be the emcee today.
Tomorrow is my child's sports day, so I will be taking the day off from work.
A friend of mine who works for a TV company let me meet a celebrity.
Yesterday was my birthday, so my parents let me order as many things as I wanted.
I was allowed to take the day off by my boss.
My boss let me take the day off.
My parents allowed me to buy candy.
The boss served his subordinates fine wine.
His parents had to work hard to send him to college.
備考 notes
文化庁 敬語の指針(答申)
第3章 第 2-6 「させていただく」の使い方の問題
If you have any questions about this grammar, please comment below.