【JLPT N3 Grammar】

文法-意味 grammar meaning

 V +てはいけないから
 V +てはいけないので


It would not be good for a child to fall out, so we put a fence on the window.


「A てはいけないから B」の形で使われ、「A」に話し手が起こり得ると考えている悪い事態を入り、「B」にはその事態を防ぐための措置が入る。「てはいけないので」も同じ意味で使われます。

lest, in order not to~,
It would not be good if A happens, so B

It is used in the form "A tewaikenaikara B," where "A" contains the bad situation the speaker thinks is likely to happen and "B" contains the measures taken to prevent that situation from happening. "A tewaikenainode B" is also used in the same sense.

文法解説】Grammar point 1


具体的には、「A てはけないから B 」の形で使われ、「A」には話し手が起こり得るかもしれないと考えている悪い事態事が入り、「B」にはそれを防ぐための措置が入ります。

1. ここでタバコをてはいけません
You are not allowed to smoke here.

2. ここでタバコをてはいけないのでそとってください。
Smoking is not allowed here, so please smoke outside.

3. おそわれてはいけないので夜道よみちあるとき注意ちゅういしてあるいてください。
It would not be good to be attacked, so please walk with caution when walking along the streets at night.


B =それを防ぐ措置


文法解説】Grammar point 2


4. こんな大金たいきんあるくのも不安ふあんだが、ホテルにいておいてぬすまれいけないから、やはりかばんれてっていこう。
I am not comfortable carrying such a large sum of money around, but it would also not be good to leave it at the hotel to be stolen, so I will still carry it in my bag.


5. 間違まちがいがあるといけないので何度なんどもチェックしました。
It would not be good if there were any mistakes, so I checked it again and again.


接続  formation

V(て形) て+はいけないから

V(て形) て+はいけないので

例文 example sentences


It would not be good to get lost, so make sure you take a map with you when you go hiking in the mountains.

It would not be good for the animal to be startled, so please be gentle when touching it.

It would not be good to be late for an important meeting tomorrow morning, so I'm going to bed early today.

It would not be good for my children to have to struggle in the future, so I am saving for their education.

It would not be good to forget, so I made a proper note of it in my notebook.


It would not be good for him to suspect anything, so do not behave in any suspicious manner.

It would not be good to lose it, so please keep this document in a safe place.

It would not be good to get injured, so be sure to wear a supporter when skateboarding.

It would also not be good to have him reveal this, so I paid him to keep quiet about it.

I've lost my concentration, but it's not good to lose sleep at night, so I decide not to drink coffee.

If you have any questions about this grammar, please comment below.

-N3 文法一覧

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