文法-意味 grammar meaning
~ 途中で/途中に
There is a convenience store on the way to the station.
He often throws things up halfway through the process.
He became ill in the middle of the work and went home.
on the way to ~,
halfway through,
in the middle of ~,
① In terms of location, "~tochu" is used to mean "a point in between some path".
②In terms of time, ”~tochu" is used to mean "a point in time before achieving a goal, a deadline, or something".
③In terms of time, ”~tochu" is used to mean "a point in time during which something is being done.
【Grammar point】
途中で vs 途中に
1. 途中で飛行機を乗り換えます。〇
We'll change to another plane on the way.
2. 途中で下ろしてください。〇
Can you drop me off on the way?
3. 家に帰る途中においしいパン屋があります。〇
There is a good bakery on the way home.
4. ここから塾に行く途中にいつも怪しい男が立っている。〇
There is always a suspicious man standing on the way to the cram school from here.
5. 私は日本語コースを途中でやめてしまった。〇
I stopped my Japanese coursehalfway through.
6. 途中であきらめたら今までの努力が全部無駄になる。〇
If we give up halfway through, all our efforts will have been in vain.
7. 彼は授業の途中でトイレに行った。〇
He went to the bathroom in the middle of class.
8. 食べている途中で急に気分が悪くなった。〇
In the middle of eating, I suddenly felt sick.
接続 formation
N : の + 途中で/途中に
V (て形) : ている + 途中で/途中に
V (辞書形) : + 途中で/途中に
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
用法①:道のりの途中(on the way to ~)
We will change from train to bus on the way.
I picked up one hitchhiker on my way to Osaka.
There is an abandoned house on the way to the school.
There is a nice bench to rest on the way to the top.
用法②目標・期限・達成の前に(halfway through)
It's not like you to give up halfway through.
He was fired from his leadership position midway through the project.
The manga was terminated midway through its serialization.
I gave up my dream of becoming a musician halfway through my career in order to make a living.
用法③:時間的な途中(in the middle of ~)
I was listening to his explanation but lost it in the middle of his story.
Raise your hand if you wish to speak during the class.
I fell asleep in the middle of writing an email reply.
In the middle of reading the novel, I started to wonder about other things.
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