文法-意味 grammar meaning
~ とか
There are many delicious foods in Japan, such as sushi and tempura.
”~toka" is used when you want to enumerate examples of something.
【Grammar point】
1. 京都とか奈良とかは日本の観光地として有名です。
Cities such as Kyoto and Nara are famous as sightseeing spots in Japan.
■ 使われ方
2. そんなに彼女が好きなら、デートに誘うとかしてみたら。
If you like her so much, you should try to ask her out on a date or something.
3. 犬とか猫(とか)を将来飼ってみたいな。(省略可)
I'd like to have a pet such as a dog or a cat in the future.
4. そんなに暇なら、友達と遊びに行くとか、勉強するとか、何でもいいからすればいいのに。(省略不可)
If you're so bored, why don't you go hang out with your friends, or study, or do whatever?
5. 皿洗いをするだとか、洗濯物をたたむだとか、少しは家事を手伝ってよ。
Can you please help me with a few household chores, like doing the dishes or folding the laundry?
接続 formation
V/イ形/ナ形/N(普通形) + とか
※ 名詞が続く場合は「~とかのN/~とかいったN」となる
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
I'm good at math and science (and so on), but I'm not so good at English.
If you don't have something better than others, such as a good face or a good singer, you won't succeed as a celebrity.
Don't think about whether you like the job or not, just do your best at what's in front of you.
You should take care of your health by exercising a little more or drinking less.
This Sunday, let's go out to eat Italian food or something.
Why don't you invite Yamada-kun, Sato-san, or others to join us?
If you are having trouble such as not being able to connect to the Internet or not being able to turn on the power, please consult with us.
When you are young, like in elementary school or junior high school, you should have a lot of experiences other than studying.
If you go to Kyoto, I recommend Kiyomizu-dera, Kinkaku-ji and so on.
Even if you couldn't do it, you could have asked someone who could, or done it to the point where you could.

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