文法-意味 grammar meaning
~ ついでに
If you're going to the convenience store, could you go buy some milk while you're there?
"~tsuideni" is used in the sense of using the opportunity to do "A" to also do an additional action "B." It is mainly used when the speaker has the idea that it would save time and effort.
【Grammar point】
■ 使われ方
「A ついでに B」の形で使われ、「A」にメインの行動、「B」に付加的な行動が入ります。
1. 買い物に行くなら、ついでにトイレットペーパーも買ってきて。
If you're going shopping, get some toilet paper while you're at it.
2. 自分の部屋を掃除するついでに、彼女の部屋も掃除してあげた。
I cleaned up my own room and also cleaned up hers.
■ 注意すべき点
3. はい、これ誕生日プレゼント。この前デパートに行ったついでに買ったんだ。
This is a birthday present for you. I bought it while I was at the department store the other day.
4. 私はテレビを見(るついでに)ながらご飯を食べます。
I eat dinner while watching TV.
■ 名詞として使う
5. ついでだったのであなたのチケットも取っておいたよ。
I took your ticket because it was just an additional something.
6. ついでで申し訳ないんだけど、これもお願いできるかな。
Sorry to be a bother, it's kind of an additional something, but could you please do this for me as well?
接続 formation
V(辞/た)/Nの + ついでに
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
I went to see an old friend by taking an opportunity of my trip to Kyoto.
I always use the opportunity of taking a bath to brush my teeth.
In addition to the work meeting, we also had a discussion about Sato-san's farewell party tomorrow.
Taking the opportunity to clean up the room, I threw away some of my memorabilia.
We've come all the way to Osaka, so let's take this opportunity to visit Kobe and do some sightseeing.
While I was back in my hometown, I took the opportunity to visit my grandfather's grave.
Since it's a good opportunity, let's go to another place for a drink while we're at it!
While you're at it, go make a copy for me.
Rather than for my husband, I make his lunch while I make my own.
If you're going to bring the documents to the president, take the opportunity to bring this as well.
備考 notes
There will be a speech by the president, followed by a speech by the guests.
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