文法-意味 grammar meaning
N に至っては
Sushi restaurants in Ginza are all expensive, and that restaurant is espeially so, costing 20,000 yen per person even for lunch.
"~ niitattewa" is used after an overall evaluation of something and then to address the "N" that is the most extreme example of them and describe it. Often used for bad evaluations, but can also be used for good evaluations.
【文法解説】Grammar point 1:
「N に至っては~」という形で、その中でもさらに程度の甚だしい「N」について言えば「~」という意味で使われます。悪いことに使われることが多いが、例文2のように良い評価に使うこともある。
1. 連日暑い日が続いているが、昨日に至っては最高気温が42℃だった。
It has been hot every day, and yesterday was especially so, with a high of 42°C.
2. 彼の兄弟はみな優秀だが、三男のたけし君に至ってはいつも学年でトップらしい。
His brothers are all excellent, and the third son, Takeshi, is especially so, as he always is at the top of his school grade.
接続 formation
N + に至っては
関連文法 related grammar
N に至るまで
- JLPT N1 Grammar
N に至って
- JLPT N1 Grammar
N の至り
- JLPT N1 Grammar
例文 example sentences
The results of the test this time were disastrous in all subjects. When it came to mathematics, I got only 15 points out of 100.
It was revealed this time that many members of the Diet had received bribes. The most egregious of these incidents is that of Mr. 00, who is said to have illegally received about 100 million yen.
A new type of virus is spreading across the country. In Tokyo, the worst is happening with more than 10,000 people being infected per day.
He is always late, and yesterday he was three hours late.greeted at the entrance.
Every room in that hotel is expensive, especially the suites, which cost as much as one million yen per night.
He is always absent from work, and especially for this month, he has already missed five days of work.
Medical school at private universities is expensive, and especially at that university, the tuition exceeds 10 million a year.
His sales team all achieved excellent results this term. Especially he, the leader of the sales team, has achieved sales of 300 million yen.
The local trains are infrequent, and especially on Sundays, there is only one train every three hours.
I took the JLPT practice test and did not do well at all. When it came to listening comprehension, I could not even get 30% correct.
備考 note
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