文法-意味 grammar meaning
~ あげく
After a long wait at the meeting place, he eventually informed me that he could not make it today.
「A あげく B」の形で、「A」という長い期間や、色々あった後で結局「B」という結果になったと言いたい時に使われます。「B」には好ましくない結果が来ます。
”A ageku B" is used when you want to say that after "A" a long period or after many things have happened" things ended up with "B". The “B” is the undesirable result.
【Grammar point】
■ 使い方
1. 散々歩き回ったあげく、結局目的のお店を見つけられなかった。
After walking around for a long time, I couldn't find the store I wanted after all.
2. 散々歩き回った(あげく)末、ようやく目的のお店を見つけられた。
After walking around for a long time, I couldn't find the store I wanted after all.
■ その他の形
4. 私は迷ったあげくに、結局間違った答えを選んでしまった。
I was torn and ended up choosing the wrong answer.
5. 彼は私の意見に対する批判を述べただけでなく、あげくの果てに私の人格までも否定してきた。
He not only expressed criticism of my opinions, but to top it all off, he denied my character.
接続 formation
V(た)/Nの + あげく(に)
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
He wondered a lot about what to buy as a souvenir, but in the end, he didn't buy anything.
After much deliberation, I finally gave up on the idea of going to college.
He had been delinquent since childhood and eventually committed a crime that landed him in prison.
The warlord was chased from the capital and ended up dying in a faraway land, unknown to anyone.
After much thought and consideration, I decided to ask her to break up with me.
I had to wait for a long time at the city hall to renew my visa but ended up not being able to do so due to incomplete application documents.
He went on a spending spree and eventually ended up in debt to his parents.
After all the hard work I put into raising him, my son now sits at home, not even working.
After an argument, one man finally punched out the other.
The customer drank and ate a lot and eventually left without paying.
備考 notes
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