文法-意味 grammar meaning
~ 限り/~ない限り(条件)
As long as you live in Tokyo, you have to put up with the high rent.
Unless I change jobs, I don't think I'll be able to increase my salary.
as long as ~, unless ~,
”~kagiri/~naikagiri" is used to say that if situation/event "A" continues (whatever else is going on), then "B" happens, or that if situation/event "A" remains the same (whatever else is going on), then "B" also remains the same.
【Grammar point】
接続 formation
V(辞/ている/ない) + かぎり
Nの/である + かぎり
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
As long as I'm with you, you'll be absolutely fine, so don't worry.
As long as you blame others, you will not be able to grow.
As long as you are in this building, you will not be attacked by zombies.
He believes that as long as he takes this supplement, no matter how much he eats, he will not gain weight.
As long as you look down on people like that, you'll never make any real friends.
As long as you attend every class properly, you will not lose any credits.
Unless he cheats on me, I'm not leaving him.
Unless he is the first to apologize to me, I will never forgive him.
Unless the trains stop, please come to work tomorrow, even if it rains or there is a typhoon.
You won't live long unless you improve your lifestyle.

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