「に関して」の文法 grammar
N + に関して
Does anyone have any questions regarding this grammar?
about~, regarding~
Similar to "~について", ”~nikanshite" is used to indicate the scope of the matter. It is more formal expression than "~について".
【文法解説】Grammar point
■ 「に関して」と「について」の違い
1. 彼のことに関して、何か知っていることがあれば教えてください。〇
Please let me know what you know about him.
■ に関し
2. 彼はこの事に関し、何も知らないと述べた。
He stated that he did not know anything about this.
■ に関しまして
3. 今回の事件に関しまして、皆様に多大なご迷惑をおかけしたことを深くお詫び申し上げます。
About this incident, we would like to express our deepest apologies for the inconvenience caused to everyone.
接続 formation
N + に関して
N + に関する + N
N + に関しての + N
■ 名詞を修飾する場合
「に関する N」と「に関しての N」の両方が使われます。
5. 男女平等に関する新たな法律ができた。
New laws on gender equality have been enacted.
6. 製品に関しての詳細はスタッフにお尋ねください。〇
Please ask our staff for more information about our products.
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
I am not very knowledgeable about Asian economic trends.
I would like to listen to everyone's various opinions on this issue before making a final decision.
There is still very little that is known about this unknown creature.
For more information on how to reimburse expenses, please ask someone in the accounting department later.
If you know anything about his whereabouts, could you please let me know?
In this facility, various research on artificial intelligence is conducted.
The country was one of the first to remove all restrictions on COVID-19.
There are many materials on Edo customs on display in this museum.
For inquiries about our products, please call the toll-free number below.
Press "1" to inquire about contract details, and press "2" to inquire about product malfunctions.
Please do not tell anyone about this.
I would like to refrain from saying anything about that, too.
・柏崎雅世(2005)『「について」と「に関して」 : 「に対して」を視野に入れながら』

If you have any questions about this grammar, please comment below.