文法-意味 grammar meaning
N を問わず
This movie can be enjoyed by people of all ages.
”-otowazu" is used when you want to say, "regardless of the type of -". It is a formal expression and is often used in sentences describing conditions, when recruiting people.
【文法解説】Grammar point 1:
1. あのスポーツ大会はプロアマ問わず広く参加者を募集している。
That sports tournament is open to a wide range of participants, both professional and amateur.
2. こちらは男女を問わず人気のある商品です。
This product is popular with both men and women alike.
接続 formation
N + を問わず
関連文法 related grammar
- JLPT N1 Grammar
- JLPT N1 Grammar
- JLPT N1 Grammar
- JLPT N2/N3 Grammar
- JLPT N2 Grammar
例文 example sentences
This event is open to both men and women.
We welcome motivated people with or without experience.
The café there is crowded with people day and night.
That movie actor is loved by many people regardless of age or gender.
He will read any type of book, regardless of genre.
Fishing is a hobby that can be enjoyed by all ages.
My office is constantly receiving phone calls, regardless of the time of day.
The design competition is open to all professionals and amateurs.
The best thing about him is that he treats everyone with kindness, regardless of gender.
This place has a beautiful view no matter what the season is.

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