文法-意味 grammar meaning
A ほど B はない (いない)
Nothing tastes as good as my mother's home cooking.
No one is as kind as he is.
"A hodo B wanai"is used when you want to emphasize that "A" is the best of "B". "B" comes in the form of "~ + noun," such as "delicious food," "kind person," or "fun thing. When referring to a person, the phrase "A hodo B wainai" is used.
【Grammar point】
■ 使い方
「B」の部分には「形容詞+ 名詞」や「動詞+ 名詞」の形が入ります。
1. 「ドラゴンボール」ほど面白いマンガはない。
There is no manga as interesting as "Dragon Ball".
2. 彼女ほど遅刻する生徒はいない。
There is no student who is late as often as she is.
→ AはBに比べて~ではない
→ Aが一番Bだ、Aが最もBだ
1. 彼は彼女ほど面白くない。
He's not as interesting as she is.
2. 彼ほど面白い人はいない。
There is no one more interesting than him.
■ 最高の経験
5. これほどおいしいカレーは食べたことがない。
I've never had a curry as good as this one.
6. あなたほど素晴らしい女性には出会ったことがない。
I've never met a woman as wonderful as you.
■ 別の言い方
7. 山の中で熊に出会うことくらい恐ろしいことはない。
There is nothing more terrifying than encountering a bear in the mountains.
接続 formation
A ほど B はない
A ほど B はいない
A ほど B は ~たことがない
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
There is no more nerve-wracking event for a teacher than a Parents' day.
There is nothing more important in life than your health.
There is nothing that enriches your life more than learning.
No one is as untrustworthy as he is.
There is nothing more painful than the death of a parent.
I have never eaten such a spicy dish before.
There is no greater waste of money than dropping out of college.
There is no job more hard than dealing with customer complaints.
I've never seen a movie that moved me as much as "The Joker" did.
There is no other place I feel as at home as my parents' house.
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