文法-意味 grammar meaning
He is the real politician.
”N+koso" is used to emphasize that "N" is the one, implicitly denying others.
【Grammar point】
■ 使われ方①
1. 彼こそ次の社長にふさわしい人間だと思います。
I believe he is the right person to be the next CEO.
※ 上の例文では、他の人は「次の社長にふさわしくない」と暗に示されている。
■ 使われ方②
2. 来年こそJLPTのN3に受かりたい。
I want to pass the JLPT N3 next year.
3. 今日こそ彼から本音を聞き出すつもりだ。
Today is the day I will get the real feelings out of him.
※ 例文2では「今年は受からなかった、今までは受かっていない」ということが、例文3では「それまでは聞き出せていない」ということが暗に示されている。
■ 使われ方③
Don't do anything stupid by drinking too much alcohol.
接続 formation
N + こそ
■ 他の助詞と使われる場合
I want those people to read this book.
It is in these situations that a person's true value is tested.
He is the real hero.
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
She is exactly the kind of person we were looking for.
The island you see there is the one we have been looking for for years.
The award should be given only to those who have truly contributed to peace.
Those who know the importance of pulling back at times are the true strategists.
Next year is the year I will go to Japan to study, which has always been a dream of mine.
Next time I will make this experiment a success.
It has been raining all week, so hopefully next week will be sunny.
You shut up!
’You’ shut up!
Thank you so much for taking care of me.
Thank you too.
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