文法-意味 grammar meaning
V+てきた / V+ていく(継続)
I have been practicing the piano for at least an hour every day since I was a child.
I think Japan's population will continue to decline rapidly.
①”-tekita" is used when you want to say, "The action, phenomenon, change, etc. has been occurring continuously from some point in the past to the present.
②”-teiku" is used when you want to say, "From the present to the future, the action, phenomenon, change, etc. will continue to occur.
【Grammar point】
1. 感染者の数が増えてきた。
The number of infected people has been increasing.
(過去→現在 まで継続している)
2. 感染者の数が増えていくだろう。
I think the number of infected people will keep increasing.
(現在→未来 に継続する)
3. 一か月前からダンス教室に通っています。〇
4. 一か月前からダンス教室に通ってきました。✖
I've been taking dance classes since a month ago.
5. プロのダンサーになるため子どもの頃から努力してきました。〇
6. プロのダンサーになるため子どもの頃から努力しています。〇
I have been working hard since I was a child to become a professional dancer.
■ 一緒に良く使われる語
接続 formation
V(て) + きた/いく
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
For the past two years, I have been studying Japanese at the university.
He has always helped me in times of real trouble in my life.
I think he has always lived his life with only his own interests in mind.
I have been working for this company ever since I joined as a new graduate.
Since last month or so, the number of people infected with corona has been increasing in Japan.
I will continue to work for this company.
The number of infected people may continue to increase in the future.
I will continue to study Japanese even after I pass the exam.
We would like to continue our good relationship with your company.
From now on, I would like to take better care of my family.

If you have any questions about this grammar, please comment below.