文法-意味 grammar meaning
May I make a copy of this document?
You don't need to listen to that guy.
Please complete the report before submitting it, even if it is next week.
① It is used to give or ask permission.
② It is used to say " no need to V" in forms such as "V+nakutemokamawanai"
③It is used to indicate a "concession" to the listener in the form of "~temokamawanainode." etc.
【Grammar point】
1. ここにあるお菓子は好きなだけ持っていってもかまいません。
You may take as many of the snacks here as you like.
2. 倉庫の前にある段ボールは捨ててもかまいませんか?
May I throw away the cardboard in front of the warehouse?
3. 親の言うことなんか聞かなくてもかまわない。
You don't need to listen to your parents.
4. ちょっとでもかまわないので、お金を貸してくれませんか?
Can you lend me some money, even just a little?
接続 formation
+ もかまわない
+ もかまわない
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
If you cannot finish the food, you may leave leftovers on your plate.
If you don't like the company that much, you can quit.
You can take the clothes here that I don't wear anymore.
May I visit you next Monday?
Do you mind if I take this seat?
Do you mind if I tell him about the last time we talked?
Do you mind if I let him, a newcomer, take care of this project?
If you don't like alcohol, I don't think you have to force yourself to drink it.
If you don't want to talk about the past, you don't have to.
Please introduce me to anyone who would like to work here, even if they don't have experience.
Can you lend me this book even for a week?

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