文法-意味 grammar meaning
V + ように言う
I told the students to turn in their reports by tomorrow.
【英語】tell someone to do something
"~youniiu" is used to convey to the listener the content of a request (or an order, instruction, advice, etc.)that was (/ will be ) made to someone. The contents of request goes in the ”~".
【Grammar point】
■ 一緒に使われる動詞
1. 息子にもっと勉強するように言った。
I told my son to study harder.
2. 彼女にこの事は誰にも話さないようにお願いした。
I asked her not to tell anyone about this.
3. 彼にスーパーでトイレットペーパーを買ってくるように頼んだ。
I asked him to go to the supermarket and buy some toilet paper.
■ 受身の形
4. ここに駐車した車を動かすように警備員に言われた。
A security guard told me to move the car I parked here.
5. 先生にあとで職員室に来るように言われました。
The teacher told me to come to the teacher's room later.
6. 先生に宿題を忘れないように注意された。
The teacher cautioned/told me not to forget my homework.
■ 聞き手に伝言を頼むとき
7. 彼にもっと勉強するように言ってください。
Tell him to study harder.
8. 社長にもっと残業を減らすようにお願いしてくださいよ。
Please ask the president to reduce our overtime work.
9. あなたから、彼にもっと時間を守るように注意してもらえますか。
Can you remind him to be more punctual?
■ 別の形
10. 明日朝早いので、子供に早く寝るように言いました。〇
I told the kids to go to bed early because I have an early start tomorrow morning.
接続 formation
V(辞書/ない) + ように言う
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
My parents told me to stay away from that river because it was dangerous.
I'll ask him to help us.
I will strongly tell my child to study more because his score on the last test was not good.
I told him to redo this part.
The president told me not to be late for work.
A friend advised me to be very careful traveling alone as it is dangerous for women.
I asked him to help me with this task.
The actor was instructed by the director to act with more emotion.
Could you please tell A-Kun to come to the teacher's room after school?
The spy was ordered to steal some classified documents.
My teacher told me to pay more attention to stroke orders.

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