文法-意味 grammar meaning
V + ようとする
Tears were about to spill from his eyes.
He is trying to create something that no one has ever seen before.
② 意志動詞に接続して使われ、「~とがんばっている」「~と試みる」と言いたい時に使われます。
① about to ~, on the verge of ~
”~youtosuru" can be used in conjunction with either volitional or non-volitional verbs, and is used when the speaker judges from the situation and says that "something or someone is about to do ~."
② try to ~, attempt to ~
”~youtosuru" is used with volitional verbs to say "working hard with V-ing".
【Grammar point】
■ 用法①
1. あのビルは今にも壊れようとしている。〇
That building is about to collapse.
2. あのビルは今にも壊れそうです。〇
That building is about to collapse.
3. 子どもが道を渡ろうとしているよ。気を付けて!
A child is about to cross the street. Watch out.
4. あっもしかしてお風呂入ろうとしている?まだお父さんが使ってるよ。
Are you about to take a bath, by any chance? Dad's still using it.
■ 用法②
「V(意志動詞)+ ようとする」は、直前の意味だけでなく、Vするために努力する、Vすることを試みるという意味でも使われます。
5. 宿題を今日中に終わらせようとしたけど無理だった。
I tried to finish my homework today, but I couldn't.
6. 彼はもっと給料の良い仕事に転職しようとしている。
He is trying to move to a better-paying job.
接続 formation
V(意向形) + とする
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
A pandemic is about to happen.
That animal is about to complete its life span at this very moment.
The wind is so strong that my laundry is about to be blown away by the wind.
The boiling water was about to spill over the edge of the pot.
I'm sorry, I was just about to bring it to you.
A little girl was trying desperately to talk about her feelings.
I tried to get home by 8:00, but I couldn't make it.
He tries to eat all the food he is served without leaving any portion on his plate.
He tried to reimburse me, but I did not accept the money.
I tried to dry my clothes, but it suddenly started to rain.

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