文法-意味 grammar meaning
~ にあっては/にあっても
In an emergency, some confusion is inevitable.
Even in a critical situation, he remained as calm as ever.
①「N にあっては」は、「Nという特別な状況や場面では」という意味で使われます。
②「N にあっても」は、「Nという特別な状況や場面でも」という意味で使われます。
"~ niattewa" is used in the sense of "in the particular situation or scene of N."
"~ niattemo" is used in the sense of "even in the special situation or occasion of N."
【文法解説】Grammar point 1:
「N にあっては/にあっても」の「N」には特別な状況や場面が入ります。この表現はフォーマルな場面で使われる硬い表現です。
1. 非常事態にあっては、いかに正確な情報を素早く人々に伝えるかが重要である。
In an emergency situation, it is important to convey accurate information to people quickly.
2. どれだけ過酷な状況下にあっても、自分を見失わないようにしたい。
No matter how harsh the circumstances, I want to never lose sight of who I am.
接続 formation
N + にあっては
N + にあっても
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
People were beginning to think that in a time of war, it was inevitable that their behavior would be somewhat restricted.like.
In the so-called "death zone" at altitudes of 8,000 meters or more, a single error in judgment can lead to instant death.
In the era of mass production and mass consumption during the high-growth period, the seniority system may indeed have functioned.
It is not easy to maintain kindness to others when you are forced to live in a situation where you cannot even afford to eat.
In the age of war, it was not uncommon for parents and children to fight each other for their lives.
In feudal families, it was common that the man worked and the woman kept the house.
Even in the midst of an absolute crisis, he had not lost hope for life.
No matter what the situation, I want to keep my aspirations high.
Even on the verge of death, the writer was desperate to finish his last work.
I want to be a strong person who does not lose my composure in any situation.
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