文法-意味 grammar meaning
~ かのように / ~かのようなN
It was noisy outside as if there was a festival going on.
【英語】as if ~
”~kanoyouni/kanoyouna" is used when you want to describe something by giving a simile.
【Grammar point】
■「かのように」 と 「ように」の違い
1. 彼はまるでこのチームのリーダーかのように振舞っている。
He acts as if he is the leader of this team.
2. あの人(かのように)のようにフランス語が上手になりたい。
I want to be able to speak French well like that person.
■ 使い方
■副詞的 :~かのように
7. まるで野生の猛獣かのように、うちのペットは吠える。
My pets bark as if they were wild and fierce animals.
■名詞を修飾:~かのような N
8. その自分だけが優秀かのような態度は改めたほうがいいよ。
You need to change your attitude of acting as if you're the only one who's competent
9. その子供の注射に対する嫌がり方は、まるでこの世の終わりでも来たかのようだった。
The child's reluctance to take the injection was as if the end of the world had come.
■ 共起表現
You are in pain as if it were a serious injury, but it's just a little scrape.
He spoke about the incident as if he had seen it firsthand.
接続 formation
V/イ形/ナ形/N(普通形) + かのように
※ナ形と名詞の非過去肯定:だ → だ / である
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
My dog reacts as if he understands human language.
VR gives you an experience as if you were actually there.
If you feel like you're somebody just because you're a little bit famous, you're mistaken.
Some people think as if getting into a good university is the only thing that matters in life.
There was a strong wind blowing outside as if it were a typhoon.
He acted as if his illness was completely cured, but his wife told me that it was not.
You sound like you have nothing to do with this, but you are also responsible for this failure.
The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and it seemed as if it was mirroring what was going through my mind.
Please don't say that as if being single for life is a misfortune.
The drug is advertised in a deliberately misleading way as if it will work for everyone.

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