【JLPT N2/N3 Grammar】

文法-意味 grammar meaning

 ~ からには


Since I am going to Japan to study, I want to come back with the ability to speak fluent Japanese.

Now that you've graduated from college, you should be living on your own money, not relying on your parents to send you money.

意味】A からには B
A なので当然 B

「A からには B」の「A」には、特別なこと自らの選択の上でする行為などが入り、そのことの当然の帰結として「B」だと言いたい時に使われます。話し手の意志・希望・決意や、誰かに対する命令・依頼や義務を説いたりする場合によく使われます。

~ karaniwa" is used to say that "B" is a natural consequence of "A." Special things, actions of one's own choosing, etc., goes into the "A." It is often used to state the speaker's will, hope, or determination, or to give an order, request, or explain an obligation to someone.

文法解説】Grammar point 1:


「A からには B」の「A」の部分には、例文1のように「特別なこと(普通とは違うこと)」や、例文2のように「自分の選択としてする行為」が入り、例文3のような「通常のこと」は基本的に入りません。

1. 結婚式けっこんしきをあげるからには盛大せいだい結婚式けっこんしきにしたい。
Since we are going to have a wedding, we want it to be a grand wedding.

2. 自分じぶんでやるとめたからには最後さいごまでやりとげます。
Since I have decided to do it on my own, I will carry it through to the end.

3. 明日あした朝早あさはや会社かいしゃからには今日きょうはやたい
Since I have to go to work early tomorrow morning, I want to go to bed early today.



「A からには B」の「B」の部分には、話し手の当然だと思っている「意志・希望・決意」が入ることが多いです。

5. アメリカに語学留学ごがくりゅうがうするからには、きちんと英語えいごしゃべれるようになってかえってきたい
Since I am going to study abroad in the U.S., I want to come back home with the ability to speak English properly.

6. アメリカに語学留学ごがくりゅうがくするからには、きちんと英語えいごしゃべれるようになってかえってきます
Since I am going to study abroad in the U.S., I will come back to the U.S. with the ability to speak English properly.



7. 社会人しゃかいじんになったからにはおやたよらず自分じぶんちからきていかなければいけない
Now that you are a member of society, you must live on your own, without depending on your parents.

8. 社会人しゃかいじんになったからにはおやたよらず自分じぶんちからきていくべきだ
Now that you are a member of society, you should live on your own, without relying on your parents.

9. 社会人しゃかいじんになったからにはおやたよらず自分じぶんちからきていってください
Now that you are a member of society, please do not rely on your parents, but live on your own.

また、「A だから当然 B (だろう)」という意味で話し手の主観的な判断や推量を述べるときにも使われることもあります。


He was an honest man, but he must have had a good reason for lying.

11. 試合しあい出場しゅつじょうするからには結果けっかのこしたいとおもうのは当然とうぜんだろう
It is natural to want to achieve results because he is going to participate in the game.

【文法解説】Grammar point 2

 「A からには B 」の「A」には、すでに行うことが確定したことや、起こったことが入り、確定していないことは入らない。

If it rains heavily tomorrow, the field trip should be cancelled.

接続  formation


  V (普通形)   + からには

 N   である + からには

例文 example sentences

If you are going to have a pet, you must be responsible for taking care of it until the end.

Having applied for the exam, of course I want to pass.

We will pay for your college tuition. But since you are going to college, please study seriously.

Since I have come to this country, I would definitely like to do something that I can only experience in this country.

Of course, you must have some evidence to assume that he is the culprit, right?

Of course, as I become a professional soccer player, I would like to play in the World Cup.

As a representative of an organization, it is only natural for the representative to take some responsibility for any misconduct that occurs.

He always absolutely keeps his promises, so when he says he can't come, I think he has a good reason.

If we are going to camp, let's go away and camp in the great outdoors.

Since we are born as human beings, we should not do anything that is against the ways of mankind.

If you have any questions about this grammar, please comment below.

-N2 文法一覧, N3 文法一覧

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