文法-意味 grammar meaning
If you really want to lose weight, you need to exercise properly as well.
【英語】 need to ~
”V+kotoda/kotodesu" is used to advise a listener that you need to "V". It is used especially when it is obvious to the speaker what the listener should do in a given situation.
【Grammar point】
1. 健康になりたいなら、お酒をもっと控えることですね。
If you want to be healthy, you need to drink less alcohol.
2. 日本語が上手になりたいなら、毎日勉強することです。
If you want to be good at Japanese, you need to study it every day.
3. 給料をあげてもらいたいなら、それなりの結果を出すことだ。
If you want to get paid more, the thing you need to do is to achieve sufficient results.
4. 老後にのんびり過ごしたいなら、今から少しづつ貯金をしておくことだ。
If you want to spend a leisurely life in retirement, save a little from now on.
5. 努力してもできないなら、あきらめることだね。
If you can't do it despite your efforts, you need to give up.
6. 本当に成功したいなら、怠惰な生活はやめることだな。
If you really want to succeed, stop being lazy.
7. 好きになってもらいたければ、きちんと相手の気持ちを考えることね。
If you want her to like you, you need to think about her feelings properly.
接続 formation
V(辞/ない) + ことだ/です
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
It seems like a typhoon is coming this weekend, so if you're going to travel, you should do it on a different day.
You are old enough, and you need to stop exercising recklessly.
If you want your children to grow up to be excellent, don't tell them to study too much.
If you want to improve your relationship with your child, you have to listen sincerely to his feelings.
If you want to win the game, you better listen to me properly.
If you want to go to a foreign university, you need to improve your English ability first.
If you want to know the truth, ask him.
If you want him to forgive you, you must show a certain amount of sincerity.
If you don't want to be embarrassed in your next presentation, prepare properly.
If you want to be healthy, the first thing you need to do is stop drinking and smoking.
備考 note

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