文法-意味 grammar meaning
N にとりまして
The past year has been a very difficult one for our company.
"N+nitotorimashite" has the same meaning as "N+nitotte" and is used to state from which viewpoint or perspective an evaluation is made. Unlike "nitotte", "nitorimashite" is used primarily in formal situations.
【文法解説】Grammar point 1:
「にとっては」vs 「にとりましては」
1. これは我が社にとりまして非常に重要なプロジェクトです。
This is a very important project for our company.
接続 formation
N + にとりまして
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
This amendment to the law is an excellent business opportunity for our company.
We will select the best plan for you.
These five years of working together with my trusted colleagues have been an invaluable treasure for me.
The most important thing for companies is not to be blinded by short-term profits.
Water and electricity are essential to people's lives.
I sincerely wish you all to have a great year.
For the victims, the judgment was far from satisfactory.
For me, such issues are only trivial.
This decision made by the CEO is not so bad for him.
It is difficult to propose a settlement that is acceptable to both the creditor and the debtor.
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