文法-意味 grammar meaning
~ べき
If you are going to leave the company, you should tell your boss early.
【英語】must , should,
"-beki" is used to urge or advise the listener to take the action because “it is morally right or your responsibility to do so”. It is also used when the speaker strongly urges the listener to do something.
【Grammar point】
■「べき」と「 ほうがいい」の違い
1. 困っている人がいたら助けるべきです。
If someone is in need, we/you should help them.
2. お年寄りには席をゆずるべきです。
We/You should give up our/your seat to the elderly.
3. 親に対して嘘をつくべきじゃない。
We/You should not lie to our/your parents.
4. 税金はちゃんと納めるべきです。
We/You should pay our/your taxes properly.
5. 会社の業績が傾いたのは彼のせいなので、彼は社長を辞任すべきです。
He should resign as president because it is his fault that the company's performance has suffered.
6. あの話題の映画、すごい面白かったから、あなたも見に行くべきだよ。
You should go see that popular movie because it was really interesting.
接続 formation
V(辞)+ べき/べきじゃない
V(辞)+ べき + N
運動するべき ⇔ 運動すべき
運動するべきじゃない ⇔ 運動しないべき
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
If you want to complain about politics, you should at least go to the polls.
If you see an elderly person standing on the train, you should give up your seat.
The successor of that phone will be released next year, so you shouldn't buy a new phone now.
Parents should not hit their children under any circumstances.
We are husband and wife, so you should do the housework too, not just me.
We should buy an emergency kit to prepare for disasters.
My father taught me that I should be sincere to others.
Our organization has a mountain of problems that we should solve.
Don't take it all on yourself. You should talk to someone you trust.
Bungee jumping is great fun, and you should try it at least once.

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