文法-意味 grammar meaning
V (ます)+ たがる
イ形(い)/ナ形(な)+ がる
My son wants to buy that toy so badly.
(My son has shown signs of a desire to buy the toy so much)
His finger was caught in the door and he was in pain. (He showed signs of pain)
【英語】want to do ~/
①”-garu" attached to "V(masu) ta" to indicate that, based on the person's behavior or remarks, it appears the person wants to do the action "V"
②”-garu" attached to certain adjectives that describe emotions or sensations, such as "さびしい(lonely)" or "いたい(in pain)" and indicates that the person appears to be experiencing those emotions.
【Grammar point】
1. 彼はアイスが食べたいです。✖
He wants to eat ice cream.
2. 彼はアイスを食べたがっています。〇
He wants to eat ice cream. (He is showing signs of a desire to eat ice cream)
※ 自分以外の願望でも「たそう」「たいんだと思います」「たいのかもしれない」など推量の形と組み合わせれば「たい」を使うことはできます。
■ 自分のことには使わない
3. 私はアイスを食べ(たがっています)たいです。
I want to eat ice cream.
4. 私は寂しがっています。✖
I show signs of sadness.
■ 助詞「が」→「を」
7. 息子はお小遣い(が)を欲しがった。〇
My son wanted an allowance.
8. 彼女はお酒(が)を飲みたがった。〇
She wanted to drink alcohol.
接続 formation
V(ます) +たがる
イadj:い + がる
ナadj:な + がる
※ 特定の感情や感覚を表す形容詞に接続します。(例:欲しい、苦しい、悔しい、嬉しい、羨ましい、面白い、痛い、寂しい、怖い、恥ずかしい、珍しい、強い、ありがたい、嫌な、不思議な、不安な、etc.)
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
He is very eager to go to the new theme park.
He always wants to talk about himself.
My child wants a toy doll as a Christmas present.
My son wants to play games all the time, and that's a problem.
He wouldn't want to do this job alone.
She wondered how he could get good grades without studying.
My pet was in a lot of pain, so I took him to the hospital yesterday.
She was very frustrated to lose an important game.
He was scared and did not want to touch the bug.
She is very fond of her pet cat.
例外 exceptions
When I was a kid, I always wanted to play by myself.
My parents won't take me anywhere on my days off, even though I want to go so much.
When I wanted it, he was quick to buy it for me.
Out of all my friends, I was the only one who wanted to go on a graduation trip.

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