文法-意味 grammar meaning
~ はず
① 彼はその現場にいたので、犯人の顔を覚えているはずです。
He was there at the scene, so he should remember the culprit's face.
② あれっメール届いてないですか?昨日、確かに送ったはずなんですが。
Didn't you get my e-mail? I'm sure I sent it yesterday.
③ 明日の会議は5時に始まるはずです。
Tomorrow's meeting should begin at 5:00.
①”~hazu" is used when the speaker reasonably judges that "~" based on some reason.
②”~hazu" is used to judge that "~" based on the speaker's memory.
③”~hazu" is used to state that a third party's schedule is "~". The speaker's own schedule is used only when something different from the actual schedule happens.
【Grammar point】
■ 用法①
1. 何度もチェックして確かめたので、問題はないはずです。
I've checked and verified many times, so there should be no problem.
2. 彼はイエローカードを2枚もらったから、次の試合には出れないはずです。
He got two yellow cards, so he shouldn't be able to play in the next game.
3. 何度もチェックして確かめたので、問題はないはずなんですけど。
I've checked and verified it many times, so there should be no problem, but...
4. 彼はいい大学を出ているから、頭はいいはずなのにね。
He has a good college education, so he should be smart, but...
■ 用法②
5. あれっ、ドアの鍵が開いてる。家を出てくる時に閉めたはずなんだけど。
Oh, the door is unlocked. I am sure I locked the door when I came out of the house.
6. 今日の会議で使う書類はここに置いたはずです。何で見当たらないんだろう。
I am sure I put the documents for today's meeting here. I wonder why I can't find them.
■ 用法③
7. 次のバスは10分後に来るはずです。〇
The next bus is supposed to come in ten minutes.
8. 彼は来月日本にやって来るはずです。〇
He is supposed to come to Japan next month.
9. 彼は先月日本にやって来るはずでした。(でも来なかった)
He was supposed to come to Japan last month.
10. 東京オリンピックは去年開かれるはずでした。 (でも開かれなかった)
The Tokyo Olympics were supposed to be held last year.
11. 私は来年大阪に旅行するはずです。✖
He should be at this location at ten o'clock.
12. 私は去年大阪に旅行するはずでした。〇
I was supposed to travel to Osaka last year.
If I keep practicing like this, I'm sure I'll win the game.
接続 formation
V/イ形/ナ形/N (普通形) + はず
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
Based on the probability, if you draw the lottery 20 times, you should win once.
He is a punctual person, so he should be here without delay.
He has a sweet tooth, so I'm sure he'll be happy to receive these fine chocolates.
We have repaired your phone and it should now work fine.
I'm a paid member of this online store, so the shipping should be free, right?
Open the drawer there, and you'll find some old documents in there.
If I remember correctly, there was a post office here.
As I recall, the tax on cigarettes will go up next April.
I thought I left the key on the desk.
Smoking in this area is supposed to be prohibited.
If it's as usual, my son should be home around four o'clock.
Mr. Yamada is supposed to send the materials to me by this evening.
This place was going to be a park.

If you have any questions about this grammar, please comment below.