文法-意味 grammar meaning
V たばかり
I've just had lunch, so I am full.
”V+tabakari" is used when one wants to say that hardly any time has passed since the act of "V." Its temporal shortness is based on the speaker's subjective sense, not an objective one.
【Grammar point】
■ 使われ方
1. 彼は1年前に結婚したばかりだ
He just got married a year ago.
■ 一緒に使われる言葉
2. さっき勉強し始めたばかりなのに、もう終わり?
You just started studying, and now you're done?
3. 日本語の勉強は一か月前に始めたばかりです。
I just started studying Japanese a month ago.
■ その他の言い方
3. 東京に来たばっかりなので、まだ東京の地理がよくわかりません。
I just came to Tokyo, so I don't really know the geography of Tokyo yet.
4. その椅子はペンキを塗ったばっかで乾いてないから、触らないで。
Don't touch that chair, it's freshly painted and not yet dry.
接続 formation
関連文法 related grammar
- JLPT N3 Grammar
- JLPT N3 Grammar
- JLPT N2 Grammar
A ばかりでなく B も
- JLPT N3 Grammar
例文 example sentences
A: お腹すいた。晩御飯はまだ?
I'm hungry. Isn't dinner ready yet?
B: 今買い物から帰ってきたばかりだから、晩御飯まであと一時間ぐらいかかるよ。
I just got home from shopping, so it'll be another hour or so until dinner.
・ 入社したばかりでまだわからないことも多いと思うので、何かあればいつでも聞いてください。
I know there are still many things you don't know since you just joined the company, so if you have any questions, please ask me anytime.
・ さっき試合が始まったばっかなのに、もう日本代表は2点も取られてしまった。
The game has just started, and the Japanese national team has already lost two goals.
I just taught you how to do it. This is the last time I'm going to teach you, so make sure you remember it.
This is a fresh fish that was just caught this morning, so it's delicious.
Yamada-san just got married six months ago, but she's already getting a divorce.
I just bought this computer last month and it's already acting weird.
I can't remember how to read the kanji anymore, even though I just studied it yesterday.

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