文法-意味 grammar meaning
V + たらいい
Where should I put this luggage?
If you want to make up with him, you should apologize to him honestly.
I hope it will be sunny tomorrow.
① ”~taraii" is used in the question sentence such as "~taraiidesuka ?" to ask the listener what action the listener wants the speaker to do or what the correct action is.
② "~taraii" is used to direct, advise, or suggest actions to be taken by the listener in response to some problem.
③ "~ataraii" is also used to state what the speaker is hoping for.
【Grammar point】
1. いつ電話したらいい?
When should I call you?
2. どの電車に乗ったらいいですか?
Which train should I take?
3. 明日は8時までにここに来たらいいんですね。
So I should be here by 8:00 tomorrow, right?
4. わざわざ電話しなくても、メールで結果を報告してくれたらいいから。
Don't bother calling me, just email me and let me know the results.
5. 泣きたい時は泣いたらいいんだよ。
When you want to cry, you can cry.
6. モテたいなら、もっと身だしなみに気を使ったらいいんじゃないかな。
If you want to be attractive, you should pay more attention to your appearance.
7. 彼女と付き合えたらいいなぁ。
I wish I could go out with her.
8. 楽してお金が稼げたらいいのに。
I wish I could make money without making an effort.
9. あの人と(付き合ったら)付き合えたらいいなぁ。
I hope I can go out with her.
9. 何時に伺ったらよろしいですか?
What time should I come?
接続 formation
V(た) + らいい
V(ない) + かったらいい
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
Where should I park my car?
What should I wear to that party?
What stop should I get off at?
Should I carry this drink to that table over there?
It's okay if the money is transferred within the next month.
If you don't understand something, you can ask someone who does it honestly.
If you want to lose weight, why don't you exercise some more?
I hope that restaurant goes out of business.
I hope I get a lot of bonuses this year.
I hope to be able to return to my country by the end of this year.
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