文法-意味 grammar meaning
~ という N / ~ って N
I read a book by a novelist called Haruki Murakami.
I heard a rumor that he's leaving the company next month.
①「N1 という N2 」の形で使われ、「N1」という人や物を聞き手が知らないと思われる場合に、「N1」がどんな類のものなのかの説明を加えるために使われます。
②「~ という N」の形で、N(話、噂、ニュース、記事、規則等)の内容を説明するために使われます。
①"toiu" is used in the form 「N1 toiu N2 」 to add an explanation of the kind of person or thing "N1" is if the listener does not seem to know what it is.
② ”toiu" is used to present the contents of "N" in the form "~ toiu N (such as a story, rumor, news, article, rule, etc.).”
【Grammar point】
■ 用法①
1. ローマの休日という映画を見ました。
I saw a movie called Roman Holiday.
2. Hedgehog Japanese というウェブサイトを知っていますか?
Have you heard of a website called Hedgehog Japanese?
■ 用法②
3. 部長は、5時までに帰れ指示を出した。✖
The manager gave the instruction to return home by five o'clock.
4. 来年消費税が上がる記事を読んだ。✖
I read an article that said sales tax is going up next year.
■ 別の言い方
5.「君の名は」っていう/って映画を見たことがありますか? 〇
Have you ever seen a movie called "Kiminonawa"?
6. お金を貸して欲しいっていう/ってお願いを友人にされた。〇
A friend of mine asked me a favor to lend him some money.
接続 formation
N1 + という + N2
V/イ形/ナ形/N(普通形)+ という N
関連文法 related grammar
- JLPT N3/N4 Grammar
- JLPT N1 Grammar
N という N【全部/強調】
- JLPT N1/N2 Grammar
~ って
- JLPT N1 Grammar
例文 example sentences
This is a drink called "Matcha".
Have you ever seen an old movie called "Casablanca"?
The flower called "Ajisai(hydrangea)" blooms every year during the rainy season.
People started to use a new term, "corona-ka".
For Italian food, I recommend a restaurant called "〇〇" in front of the station.
If you experience symptoms of shaking hands and feet, please go to the hospital as soon as possible.
I heard a rumor that he was arrested for stealing money from the company.
We were warned that anyone who entered the restricted area would be fired upon.
I heard that the employment rate is not good in Japan these days.
This morning, I saw a news report that a monkey had escaped from a zoo.
備考 notes
7. あなたに、鈴木さんという人から電話がかかってきたよ。
I got a call from someone named Mr. Suzuki for you.
8. あなたに、鈴木さんから電話がかかってきたよ。
I got a call from Mr. Suzuki for you.

If you have any questions about this grammar, please comment below.