文法-意味 grammar meaning
What specialists say is not always right.
【英語】not always ~, not necessarily ~,
"~towakagiranai" is used when you want to say that what is generally believed to be true, or what the listener believes to be true, is not always so or may not be true.
【Grammar point】
「とは限らない」は部分否定(partial negation)に使われる文型です。部分否定とは、「全部ではない、必ずではない、そうでない場合もある」という意味です。
例文3は全部否定(total negation)の文で、「全員そうでない」という意味になります。
1. 結婚している人はみんな幸せだ。
Everyone who is married is happy.
2. 結婚している人がみんな幸せとは限らない。
Not everyone who is married is happy.
3. 結婚している人はみんな幸せじゃない。
Everyone who is married is not happy.
■ 一緒に良く使われる言葉
4. 頭のいい彼でも、いつもテストで満点をとれるとは限らない。
Even he, who is very smart, does not always get a perfect score on a test.
5. お医者さんがみんな優秀とは限らない。
Not all doctors are good at what they do.
■ A からといって B とは限らない
「A という理由だけで、必ずしも Bといえない」と言いたい時に「からといって」という文型と一緒に使われることがよくあります。
6. 毎日練習したからといって、上手になるとは限らない。
Just because you practice every day doesn't mean you'll get better at it.
7. 結婚しているからといって、幸せとは限らない。
Just because someone is married doesn't mean they are happy.
接続 formation
V/イ形/ナ形/N(普通形) + とは限らない
※ナ形と名詞の非過去肯定:だ or である)
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
When crossing the street, just because the light is green doesn't mean it's safe.
What teachers say is not always right.
It doesn't mean that you have to study abroad to speak English.
Just because he is a president doesn't mean he is rich.
Just because it was okay last time, doesn't mean it will be okay this time.
Japan may not be safe forever.
Just because someone meets someone on a matching app doesn't mean it isn't a great relationship.
Expensive products are not always of good quality.
Politicians don't always think about money.
Just because a company is well-known to everyone doesn't mean it's not a company with terrible working conditions.

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