文法-意味 grammar meaning
~ わけがない
There is no way my son would bully anyone.
There is no way you can finish a full marathon.
【英語】there's no way ~
”~wakeganai" is used when you want to strongly deny something. It is also used when you want to say "absolutely impossible" in connection with the possible form of a verb.
【Grammar point】
1. 成績優秀な彼が、あの大学に受からないわけがない。(≒絶対に受かる)
With his excellent grades, there is no way he won't be accepted to that university.
2. 一流シェフの彼が作った料理がおいしくないわけがない。(≒絶対においしい)
He is a first-rate chef, so there is no way that his food will not be delicious.
■ ~わけがない vs ~はずがない
3. 私がそんなバレバレの嘘つくはずがないでしょ。
There's no way I'd tell such an obvious lie.
4. 私がそんなバレバレの嘘つくわけがないでしょ。
There's no way I'd tell such an obvious lie.
■ 別の形:~わけない
5. 俺の彼女が浮気なんてするわけない。
There's no way my girlfriend would cheat on me.
接続 formation
V/イ形/ナ形/N (普通形) + わけがない
V (可能形) + わけがない
関連文法 related grammar
例文 example sentences
There's no way he would lie to me.
If you live an unhealthy life, there is no way you can live long.
Before being scammed, people think I would never be scammed.
How can you get a good score on a test if you don't even study?
I would never betray you.
There is no way I'm going to win the first prize in the lottery.
I've been working overtime until midnight every day, and there's no way my body can take it at this rate.
How can a person's character change so easily just because they got married?
I can't believe you want a week off. The manager would never allow that.
There is no way you can succeed without effort.

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